CNPq visiting Postdoc Scholarship to ETH/Zurich

CNPq visiting Post-Doctoral Scholarship to ETH/Zurich (Switzerland), in collaboration with our group:

"Many-body cavity QED"

We are currently looking for a theoretically highly talented postdoc with a strong background in quantum optics and many-body physics. We are seeking a team player who is excited about pushing forward research at the frontier of quantum simulations with a medium sized group of experimentalists at ETH Zurich, led by Tilman Esslinger and Tobias Donner. The project aims to couple degenerate quantum gases to modes of high finesse optical cavities. In these systems, self-organized structures of atoms and photons emerge, thereby realizing quantum phase transitions in open environments. We want to explore the physics of these long-range interacting many-body systems, ranging from dynamical Hubbard models to Bose glasses, disordered and frustrated systems, with envisioned applications as quantum neural networks (

This scholarship is part of a CNPq-SNSF project on the pattern recognition in optical cavities, which also involves Brazilian groups in the IFSC-USP (São Carlos SP), UFSCar (São Carlos SP) and the IIP-UFRN (Natal RN).

The duration of the stay will be 12 months. The selected candidate will benefit from a CNPq scholarship (CHF 2.570/month [to be complemented by ETH], plus installation grant, travel expenses, health insurance). According to CNPq rules, she/he must be Brazilian or hold a permanent visa in Brazil (see detailed rules at

Deadline for applications: 30/09/2020
Beginning of the post-doctoral stay: End of 2020/beginning of 2021.

Interested candidates should send their CV to