Master and PhD scholarships available

PhD and Master’s scholarships to work on the dynamics of trapped Rydberg ions, superconducting qubits, and cold atomic clouds.

The Light-Atom group, LiAt [ ], in the Physics Department at the Federal University of São Carlos (DF-UFSCar) has 1 PhD and 4 Master scholarships available:

- 1 PhD and 2 Master's scholarships (FAPESP), under the supervision of André Cidrim, to work on theoretical aspects of the promising novel platform of trapped Rydberg ions for applications in quantum technologies. Candidates are expected to undertake internships abroad for a duration of 6 months (for Master's students) or 12 months (for PhD students).

- 1 Master's scholarship (CNPq), under the supervision of Romain Bachelard [ ], to investigate localization of single and multiple excitations in superconducting qubits, with applications to quantum computing.

- 1 Master's scholarship (FAPESP), under the supervision of Raul Celistrino Teixeira, to experimentally study light propagation in dense and cold atomic clouds.

Applications will be received until the positions are filled.
Motivated candidates should send their CVs and academic record to: / /